Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A PoEm ...

Where is your mind, is it dead with time,
With the healing of time, the wounds find different ways to give pain,
The happiness isn’t for long and it doesn't mean I said the sadness will remain, it’s like the blinking of eyes at different times, when you get up in the morning they are hard and otherwise they are free.
The smile has lost its significance, only the showing of teeth matters.

The environment is filthy, the heart is negative. Do I like this or not, who knows, not even my soul.
The hatred with surrounding is like cough, what all you want is to throw out.
And the family which you've left at home is missing you, are you living for them or your heart is beating for them. Or it is just the feeling which is hard for you to admit.
Do we love each other or we are pretending, is the feeling permanent or the feeling is temporary.
The rainbow is just about 7 colours, have you thought of going under the deep sea than looking at the sky.

Are we still artificial or we always wanted to be superficial?
We’re the slaves of ourselves, only person who can make you his slave is your own soul.
Have you given the trust, the peace and some relax to someone, have you given it to yourself.

Why we wait for someone to tell us, are we blind, are we deaf. You speak what I’ll tell you.
I don’t have any follower because I don’t want people to follow more than one people. 
Do I need to be doped for writing or its just I have to be high.
Have I lost in the thoughts or am I just reading my mind because I think I am a poet, not a lyricist.

1 comment:

Luvleen Benbi said...

Intense...Well written,Well Put,Well Questioned...emotions well understood.