Thursday, July 24, 2014


I find happiness in my nephew’s smile
I find happiness in his acts, his thoughts and in his words

I find happiness in my father’s lines
As I always see in them the positive signs

I find happiness in my mother’s gestures
At times I just love to be her jester

I find happiness in my sister’s taunts
She is my strength whom I can always flaunt

I find happiness in my brother in-law’s wittiness
He does have many talents and I am lucky to witness

I find happiness in my best friend’s care for me
We are strong and believe in the quote, “let it be”

I find happiness in Kid’s company
I find happiness in doing friendship with a stranger

I find happiness in photography and in my writing
I find happiness when I am on my steel horse and its thumping

I find happiness in seeing and giving other people happiness
I see million reasons to live every day in madness

I find happiness in music, it gives me soul to like and love the world
Life is how we make it; I am designing it to be happy and crazy

1 comment:

Luvleen Benbi said...


Hope infinite reasons for happiness are further discovered. :D
*Stay Happy*