Sunday, July 6, 2008

And I miss them...

When I am happy…I miss them…
When I am sad…I miss them…
When I am with my friends…I miss them…
When I am alone… I miss them…

My grandmother who is there in heaven left when I was jus 5 years old… not much memories but wanna ve many with her…

My grandfather who is there with her left when I was 7 years old…ve few memories with him...but i always want to have uncountable......but i lost...

I know they are watching me everytime…they are with me everytime… but I want to see them…I want to talk to them…have to ask soooooo many questions which they left unanswered… have to tell them soooo many things which I always wanna tell which are there with me unspoken...
I want them… cuz I miss them…

1 comment:

Apoorva said...

Very touching. I too miss my grandparents ...miss talking to them.